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Visioning the future: governance pathways to better health futures (WP1786V2)


This virtual Wilton Park stakeholder meeting supports the work of The Lancet & Financial Times Commission Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world. The Commission is charged with developing a vision for governance of health futures, as they are shaped by digital health technologies and AI applications, with emphasis on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The work is specifically concerned with improving the health and well-being for children and young people and supporting the attainment of universal health coverage (UHC).

On 3-4 September, leading thinkers from around the world came together to discuss health futures, digital frontiers, and the different digital and political orders of societies. These discussions raised questions about how we reframe governance for the future, a future that is increasingly uncertain. Can health be a trojan horse for digital surveillance and individual data commodification, or can it be a trailblazer, shaping governance discussions, increasing accountability, and advancing UHC? 

This dialogue will bring together the themes raised in these discussions for a deep dive into governance recommendations and opportunities at country and global levels. The aim of this dialogue will be to concretise and translate governance concepts into practical and tangible responses. What governance options do we have, and do we need? What governance pathways are necessary to govern health futures two, five, 10, and 15 years from now? These insights will further the Commission’s thinking for its final report due in 2021.

Click here to find out more about the individual dialogues held to date:

Visioning the future: horizons for health and digital technologies
Thursday 3 and Friday 4 September 2020 | WP1786V1 

Equitable health futures in AI 
Monday 19 October 2020 | WP1839V  

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