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UK-Nordic collaboration on post-COVID recovery: greening future development and global economic recovery post-COVID (WP1854V1)

Event documents

WP1854V1 Report
WP1854V2 Report
WP1854V3 Report

These are unprecedented times economically with extraordinary fiscal measures being taken by governments to sustain economies in response to the global pandemic. The UK has already seen significant contraction of the economy. In Europe, many businesses are struggling, some have already collapsed with millions of people losing jobs or facing redundancy. However, as the UK and Nordic partners look ahead, there are opportunities to press the ‘reset’ button in the way individuals live and societies and economies operate. 

Green stimulus packages have the potential to repair the global economy and tackle climate change. Low-carbon sectors can provide cost-effective employment at scale and provide higher returns on government spending than conventional stimulus spending. Support for adaptation and clean, resilient recoveries in developing countries will better protect against future crises. And the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 – on Responsible Consumption and Production – highlights the importance of urgently reducing our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. The UK and its Nordic partners have the opportunity to influence post-COVID advances by working collaboratively as world leaders to promote and influence global green recovery.

This dialogue is hosted in collaboration with the British Embassies in the Nordic region and is one of three events in the series highlighting ‘UK-Nordic Collaboration on post-COVID Recovery’. These dialogues aim to build and strengthen cross-border partnerships by connecting key stakeholders, providing them with a platform to address shared challenges and influence the global recovery.

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