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Transformational change towards a sustainable future

Demonstrators-fight-climate-change (1)

Reference number



Programme Director
Nick Linfield

Project Manager
Sandry Koo

This is the fourth dialogue in the Wilton Park series on transformational change which focuses on climate change and the environment/development nexus. 

The climate crisis and its impact are a defining issue of our time. It continues to threaten societies globally and its economic, social, and environmental impacts are a challenge for us all. The time for incremental changes has passed and governments and organisations will need to design and implement dramatic policy and infrastructural changes to ensure a sustainable future. 

This Wilton Park dialogue aims to bring concrete, evidence-based guidance on designing, supporting and implementing transformational change for a sustainable future. 

In partnership with the Climate Investment Funds, GEF Independent Evaluation Office, UNDP Independent Evaluation Office, and the Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD.  

With support from the Green Climate Fund, Institute of Development Studies, International Evaluation Academy, the German Institute for Development Evaluation and the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. 

This event produced five clear calls to action on transformational change for a sustainable future:

1. Stop actions and policies that hurt the planet
2. Create a shared vision and plan for a transformed world
3. Support transformational change initiatives
4. Guarantee open access and technology transfer
5. Create a global knowledge centre

The full document with further details can be read and downloaded here. Individuals and organisations are invited to endorse the calls to action by emailing

Wilton Park reference: WP3111

In association with

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