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The commission for Africa: implementing the findings [WPS05/09]

The commission of African and other leaders on the African issues, established by the Prime Minster Tony Blair, presented its report at the Gleneagles G8 Summit. This conference was a part of the official programme of events of the Commission.

The report took a fresh look at Africa and the international community role in helping its development. In spite of the face that Africa is falling behind other world regions, there had been improvements in governance, peace and security and more serious commitment to poverty reduction. This meant that the time is ripe for the international in a number of African countries in the years leading up to 2005, suggesting that the goal of doubling the size of Africa’s economy by 2015 (requiring 7% growth per annum) was attainable.

The Commissions recommendations included:

  • Improving governance in Africa, though the African Peer Review Mechanism;
  • Prioritizing the prevention of conflictStrengthening education and health systems, particularly through interventions on HIV and AIDS
  • Increasing growth in African economies to 7% per annum by 2010 (to achieve doubling the size of the economies every 10years);
  • Improving Africa’s capacity to trade;
  • Increasing aid by $25billion over the 3-5 years; and
  • Substantially increased debt relief.
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