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The Arms Trade Treaty and the Commonwealth (WP1410)

Dialogue to assess the current state of adherence to, and implementation of, the ATT among Commonwealth states.  14 Commonwealth countries have yet to sign the ATT, and a further 15 have signed but not ratified.

Moreover, many of those which have signed or acceded face significant capacity challenges when implementing the Treaty. The dialogue:

  • Assessed factors preventing wider accession among Commonwealth states and how they can be overcome. What role can the UK and others play in assisting?
  • Identified problems confronted by Commonwealth states in implementing the Treaty or (failing formal accession) application of its principles, and develop proposals to enhance implementation.
  • Examined how Commonwealth states can play a stronger role in the Treaty’s operation.
  • Assessed how the Commonwealth can spread the message about the Treaty to a wider audience in the developing world and encourage engagement and, ultimately, accession.

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