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Sustaining progress in the fight to end malaria


Despite sustained efforts over the past decades, malaria continues to exert a large human and economic toll. The burden disproportionately impacts sub-Saharan Africa with over 90% of all malaria cases and deaths occurring in the region. Achieving the 2025 and 2030 malaria goals, and ultimately eliminating the disease, will require renewed commitment and substantial increases in investment. The private sector can play a central role in these efforts by leveraging financial and non-financial resources to support novel partnership models and the scaling of high-impact innovations. 

GBCHealth and the Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA) are partnering with Wilton Park to hold a virtual dialogue “Sustaining progress in the fight to end malaria”. This dialogue represents the final instalment of a three-part series that CAMA is hosting with partners between March-May 2021 under the theme ‘Partnerships to step up investments in malaria’. The series aims to unlock investments, partnerships and innovation to accelerate the fight against malaria. This final event focuses on the opportunities for, and challenge to, private sector engagement and investment in malaria elimination efforts.  

Wilton Park reference number: WP1940V

Listen to what John Nkengasong, Ochuko Keyamo-Onyige and Saray Khumalo said about Sustaining progress in the fight to end malaria.

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