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Public-private investment partnerships: innovations for quality and efficiency in health systems [WP1045]

This conference brought together leaders from governments, the private sector, and development agencies to explore opportunities, challenges, and next steps in the development of Public-Private Investment Partnership (PPIPs). The PPIP model, first launched at a landmark Wilton Park conference in April 2008, comprises an agreement between governments and private consortia to design, finance, build, and maintain health care facilities, as well as deliver clinical and support care in those facilities, through long-term partnerships.

The PPIP model is relevant for government-funded services throughout the world. In low and middle income countries, the model can generate private investment in the health sector that serves public policy goals, and introduce best international practices in integrated care, quality, and productivity. In wealthier countries, the model can unleash efficiency gains that can be used to fund higher quality, better integrated preventive and curative services, particularly to vulnerable populations.

We discussed:

• When is a PPIP an appropriate solution in healthcare?

• How can a PPIP be effectively financed?

• How to get the PPIP deal right?

• How to evaluate success or failure?

Background Reading

The report: ‘Public Private Investment Partnerships: An innovative approach for improving access, quality, and equity in healthcare in developing countries’ prepared by The Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco in August 2009, provided background reading for this conference.

Additional background papers are also available to download as a PDF.

Global Trends in Health Care Public-Private Partnerships

What can we learn from public-private partnerships in infrastructure?

Options to Structure and Fund PPPs in Developing Countries

Development Impact Evaluation Initiative

DIME brief – Malaria

Malaria Impact Evaluation Program (MIEP) Brochure 

Bupa Brochure

Bupa Stronger Together

Abstract from PFI in International Development Paper

Abstract from PFI in International Development Paper – Appendix 1

Abstract from PFI in International Development Paper – Appendix 2

Applying PFI to the Infrastructure and Service Requirements of Developing Countries

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