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Peaceful nuclear uses


A suite of meetings convened by Wilton Park on behalf of the UK and US Governments, and in partnership with Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

These virtual conferences brought together senior policy and technical experts from governments, regulators, academia, industry and their regional and international partners.

Advancing best practices for radiation therapy

Monday 17 – Tuesday 18 May 2021

This dialogue assesses how to ensure sustainable access to radiation therapy and cancer-care in developing states. In particular, we focus on how to establish and sustain a trained the necessary workforce for radiation therapy, and how to improve sustainable access to technology and equipment. We will use a range of case studies featuring technical experts in developed and developing states.

Wilton Park reference: WP1936V1

Accelerating development through peaceful nuclear technology: food security and food safety

Tuesday 29 – Wednesday 30 June 2021

This dialogue builds on the workshops held in Abuja and Magaliesburg as well as the VCDNP workshop  The Contribution of Innovative Technologies to Sustainable Agriculture, held in April, by addressing one of the priorities highlighted in these workshops: ensuring improved food security and food safety in developing states. 

We will seek to develop an outline for policymakers on the potential scope of work related to food security and safety for the SDGs. 

Wilton Park reference: WP1936V2

Pathways for expanding peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear technology in Southeast Asia 

Wednesday 4 August 2021

This dialogue conference will bring together senior policy and technical experts from governments, regulators, academia, and their regional and international partners in the Southeast Asian region.  

This dialogue will emphasise the link between NPT Article IV and peaceful uses assistance and will seek to understand how NPT States Parties can expand access to peaceful uses assistance under the NPT. This conference will identify what is required for the expanded and sustainable application of nuclear technologies, including what challenges, knowledge gaps and lack of resources prevent countries in the Southeast Asia and Pacific region from fully benefiting from the use of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.

The participants will consider the successes and challenges related to the peaceful applications of nuclear technologies in the region and will identify pathways for expanding and strengthening the contribution of these peaceful applications to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to develop a common understanding of regional positions on peaceful uses to inform discussions at the rescheduled NPT Review Conference. 

Wilton Park reference: WP1936V3

Pathways for expanding peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear technology in Latin America and the Caribbean

Tuesday 10 – Thursday 12 August 2021
This conference will identify what is required for the sustainable application of nuclear technologies, including what challenges, knowledge gaps and lack of resources prevent countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region from fully benefiting from the use of nuclear energy and nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes. 

Wilton Park reference: WP1936V4

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