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Peacebuilding in Africa: developing African approaches (WP1417)


New challenges in the current African security terrain threaten established frameworks and existing capacity and approaches of both the United Nations and African organisations. A paradigm shift is required to unlock the potential of these actors to overcome the challenges to building and sustaining peace in Africa.

An earlier meeting, Peacebuilding in Africa:  evolving challenges, responses and new African thinking, began the process of consolidating African perspectives on peacebuilding, identifying recommendations and also critical points for further elaboration and exploration. Building on these discussions, and capitalising on holding this second meeting in Addis Ababa, the headquarters of the African Union, it aims to:

  • Develop further the findings of, and allow policy-makers and practitioners to respond to issues raised in, the our first meeting on new African thinking held in February 2015;
  • ‘Road test’ these findings, in particular through engagement with regional and sub -regional policy-makers, as well as those involved in global policy formulation;
  • Contribute new perspectives towards policy development on peacebuilding in Africa which can be developed into concrete policy measures by the range of actors involved in peacebuilding.

The meeting will also take into account the confluence of three key UN reviews on peace operations, peacebuilding architecture and implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security.

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Peacebuilding in Africa – the story so far

We spoke to four representatives from the organisations that have been at the heart of the series from the start, and asked for their perspectives on the series.

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