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Nuclear energy one year after Fukushima [WP1142]


One year after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the global nuclear energy landscape requires assessment. This assessment addressed the challenges to the pursuit of nuclear energy by states following the Fukushima accident, and the responses by governments, regions, industry and international organisations. The short-term and long-term implications for these various sectors also require attention.


The conference objectives:

  • Gauge the global appetite for nuclear energy one year after the Fukushima accident (both in terms of maintaining existing capacity and new build)
  • Assess the landscape for global nuclear expansion
  • Assess to what extent has both the scale and time frame of that expansion changed, and if so, what significance do these changes have for addressing issues of nuclear technology proliferation resistance and both the physical security and safety of nuclear infrastructure
  • Assess the global efforts to address nuclear security and safety issues post Fukushima

Further information

Listen to our podcast on Security at nuclear plants with Joseph Pilat and Ravi Grover

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