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Lethal autonomous weapon systems: understanding the human role throughout the weapon lifecycle

The issue of Lethal Autonomous Weapons has been the focus of much discussion internationally and is also subject to calls from several states and NGOs for a ban. The debate is ongoing in the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), which has established a Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) to discuss LAWS.

The UK position on LAWS is that human control is a critical aspect of the debate, and that this is therefore where the GGE should look to build consensus.  Accordingly, Her Majesties Government (HMG) have produced a working paper titled “The Human Role in Autonomous Warfare”, to generate dialogue and stimulate debate.

To build upon and further develop the arguments set out in this paper, Wilton Park will convene an invitation-only virtual conference in partnership with the UK government’s Counter-Proliferation and Arms Control Centre. The meeting will focus on understanding the human role throughout the weapon lifecycle.

In partnership with UK Counter Proliferation & Arms Control Centre

Wilton Park reference number: WP1998V

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