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LDC Thimphu Ambition Summit: momentum for a 1.5 degree world (WP1868V)

The earth faces an existential need for faster, deeper reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. We need to help build countries’ capacity to adapt to climate impacts, to increase resilience against climate shocks, and to mobilise finance at scale to support developing countries address the climate crisis. 

The 47 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are the most vulnerable to climate change, are being hit hardest by its impacts and the added challenges it brings to sustainable development efforts. They recognise the importance of urgent, scaled up climate action all too well.

Under the leadership of the Royal Government of Bhutan, the Chair of the Least Developed Countries Group in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is hosting the Thimphu Ambition Summit: Momentum for a 1.5°C world to encourage global climate action at the time it is most needed. 

The Summit will showcase LDC leadership on climate action and make a clear call for countries to submit updated national climate plans by the end of the year in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. It will demonstrate the need for the international community to scale up finance in support of vulnerable countries’ efforts to address climate change; and identify COVID-19 recovery options aligned with inclusive and green economic development pathways. 

The Thimphu Ambition Summit provides an opportunity to convene and to discuss critical issues around ambition, climate finance and the green economic recovery.

To register to join the summit, visit Thimphu Ambition Summit

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