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Improving the emergency response in Europe [WP809]

This conference discussed the following points:

  • How well prepared are the European governments and emergency services for a major terrorist incident, large-scale hostage taking, or pandemic of avian influenza?
  • What lessons have been learnt from the response to recent major incidents such as the London and Madrid bombings and from other emergencies including floodings and the Buncefield oil depot fire?
  • What can be learnt from the response to hurricane Katrina which would assist European planners and responders?
  • What more can be done to prepare for large-scale emergencies which cross borders?
  • What preparations are needed to ensure consular services are available and supported when foreign nationals are caught up in the emergency?
  • What are the best communication techniques and methods to keep the public informed (not alarmed) about the risks and during the response phase?
  • What can and should the EU do together?
  • How can best practice be set, shared across Europe, and implemented?
  • How can communication and co-operation, both national and municipal, be improved across borders?
  • Where are the main inter-agency blockages in the planning and response stage and what needs to be done to overcome these? What are the limits of co-operation?
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