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Faith and Science: towards COP26

Faith and Science – COP26 (2)
  • To read the official press release click here
  • To read the official Embargoed Executive summary click here
  • To read the official Appeal click here
  • Participate list

Vatican Media video of the Faith and Science event

The climate summit COP26, which will take place in Glasgow in November, will be a defining moment in our fight against climate change. Against a backdrop of worsening extreme weather patterns as global temperatures rise, urgent action needs to be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero. With present National Determined Contributions (NDCs) for emissions reductions, the temperature will rise by 3 degrees, which will be catastrophic for the entire planet – humans, animals, and plants – especially the marginalised and poorest communities.  COP26 aims to galvanise action to limit the rise to 1.5 degrees.

Governments, international organizations, businesses and civil society are all key in this endeavour. Faith leaders have a special part to play as the key repositories of our moral values, the guides of our ethical action, and pioneers of change to make the management of their land, buildings and investments sustainable.

The British and Italian Embassies to the Holy See, and the Holy See itself, will host faith leaders and some prominent scientists to an event on 4 October in Rome to give a lead on climate change. In a series of preparatory meetings throughout 2021, facilitated by Wilton Park, the faith representatives and scientists discussed their theology of care for the earth, the action they have taken to protect the environment, and what is needed now.

At the meeting on 4 October in the Vatican and at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See, the faith leaders and scientists will launch an appeal to COP26, asking governments to take ambitious action. They will consider the role of the faithful as leaders of change. And they will hear from youth representatives what the younger generation hopes for from them and from other world leaders. 

In partnership with the British and Italian Embassies to the Holy See, together with The Holy See.

Wilton Park reference number: WP1888V

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