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Enhancing domestic resource mobilisation in sub-saharan Africa (WPS10/01)

This conference discussed the following:

Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) was the first leading action called for by the Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development in 2002 and was reaffirmed at the Doha Review Conference in November 2008.

There is heightened interest in the topic in the context of the global economic crisis. The North South Institute has been working with African, UK and Canadian partners on a research project on Domestic Resource Mobilization in Sub Saharan Africa.

The basic premise is that for sustainable growth and poverty reduction to take place, it is essential that a coherent, dynamic and domestically driven capital accumulation, intermediation and mobilisation process takes root in the region. This is considered necessary over the long-term to wean countries away from excessive dependence on aid and other unpredictable and volatile external flows that can be problematic.

The research project has explored the constraints to and potential for greater DRM and the developmental purpose of such efforts through five case studies in: Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda.


Further information

Making tax interesting – Africa conference 

WPS10-01 Dev Finance Update


Country Case Studies


Presentation  by Sunday Khan, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Yaounde)


Presentation by Tsegabirhan Abay, Lecturer, School of Economics, University of Addis Ababa



Presentation by John Matovu, Principal Research Fellow, Economic Policy Research Centre, Makerere University, Kampala

Break out group presentation by Albert Musisi, Acting Assistant Commissioner, Macroeconomic Policy Department, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Kampala




Presentation by Nehemiah Osoro, Department of Economics, University of Dar-es-Salaam




Presentation by Astere Girukwigomba, Independent Consultant, Bujumbura


Session 1

The Domestic Resource Mobilisation Project and presentation Conference Objectives: Scenesetter
Roy Culpeper, President and Chief Executive Officer, North-South Institute, Ottawa


Session 2

WPS10-01 Domestic Resource Mobilisation and Tax Policy in Africa
Max Everest-Phillips, Senior Governance Adviser, Research and Evidence, Department for International Development, London


Session 3

Tax Mobilisation and North-South Cooperation
Edmund (Valpy) Fitzgerald, Director, Department of International Development, University of Oxford

The Case for DRM in the Context of Economic Recovery
Terry Mckinley, Professor, Development Studies Director, Centre for Development Policy and Research, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Lo


Session 8

Effective Natural Resource Taxation 
Alan Carter, Senior Economist, Direct Business Taxes Team, KAI, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, London

Effective Natural Resource Taxation 
Mario Mansour, Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC


Session 10

Donors, Aid and Domestic Resource Mobilisation 
Jean Philippe Stijns, Economist, OECD Development Centre, Paris

Political Economy Dynamics Underpinning Domestic Resource Mobilisation and the Role that Development Parnters can Play in this Context  
Edward Sennoga, Economist, African Development Bank, Kampala

Paris Agenda and Taxation: Strengthening Tax Systems as Contribution to Strengthening Countries Public Finance Management Systems 
Matthias Witt, Head, Public Policy – Public Finance, Administrative Reforms and Anti-Corruption, GTZ, Eschborn


Session 11

Financial Sector Development and DRM 
Josee St-Hilaire, Senior Director, Developments, Developpement International Desjardins (DID), Levis

Financial Sector Development and DRM 
Rishabh Jain, Business Development Executive, Integra Micro Systems (P) Ltd, Bangalore


Session 12

What Does ‘State-Building’ Imply for Tax Policy and Practice?
Mick Moore, Professor Fellow, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex

What Does ‘State building’ Imply for Tax Policy and Practice?
Attiya Waris, Assistance Lecturer, University of Nairobi Law School, Nairobi

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