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Empowering people and shaping policies for resilient agriculture and food systems (WP1237)

This conference is the sixth and final in the series on ‘Global agricultural, food and land use: the international policy challenges’. Reports from the previous conferences can be found below.

The aim of this conference was to build on previous discussions to identify appropriate policies at national and international levels and the potential barriers to and enablers of change to deliver a more resilient global food system.

Key emerging themes:
Growing global pressures such as population increases, climatic changes, scarcity of water resources and pressures on land from development, means that increased agricultural production is required. However, this must come from yield increases rather than increases in land use and in ways which do not degrade the environment. This global challenge requires holistic and integrated solutions to provide enough nutritious food to meet future needs.

Discussions focussed around these challenges. Empowering people and changing behaviour was proposed as key to addressing these challenges. This can only be done effectively, however, if the diversity of voices involved in the food and agricultural system are heard, understood and better integrated. Linking the chain better, enabling multi-stakeholder dialogue to occur and creating dynamic food ‘networks’ as opposed to food ‘chains’ are also proposed as the best chance to develop productive and efficient networks.

The role of policy in addressing these challenges was felt to be largely about promoting good governance and creating enabling environments for development and progress. This needs to occur at all levels from local to national and international and with a range of actors including governments, the private sector and others. Developing clear priorities for action and effective dialogue with all stakeholders is key to ensuring holistic approaches to shaping policy.

Details of the reports from these five meetings can be found below:

Global food and agriculture: policy options in response to increased volatility

Global land use: policies for the future

Improving diet and nutrition: challenges for global food, agricultural and land use policies

Global food security: the role of science and technology

How to create resilient agricultural systems in a world of increasing resource scarcity and climate change

Further information

Conference on Global food and agriculture: policy options in response to increased volatility

Conference on Global land use: policies for the future

Conference on Improving diet and nutrition: challenges for global food, agricultural and land use policies

Conference on Global food security: the role of science and technology

Conference on How to create resilient agricultural systems in a world of increasing resource scarcity and climate change

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