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COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action at COP26 in Glasgow

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The Paris Agreement provides a truly global framework for climate ambition and action. To unlock its full potential, it is important that all countries can participate to their maximum potential and that a lack of capacity does not hold them back.

In its role as the incoming COP26 Presidency, the UK has been committed to better understanding the capacity-building challenges faced by developing countries, particularly those most vulnerable to climate impacts, and has provided opportunities to share positive experiences and lessons learned during the UN Regional Climate Weeks.

The COP26 Catalyst is a framework to bring together key stakeholders in capacity building to discuss challenges and to catalyse action through four Action Groups on Adaptation Action, Access to Finance, Carbon Markets Participation, and Transparency and Reporting.

Over two days at CO26 the COP26 Catalyst action group partners will reflect on the main challenges faced by developing countries and will put forward recommendations for practical solutions to ensure the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and to catalyse climate action more widely. These recommendations follow opportunities to share positive experiences and lessons learned during the UN Regional Climate Weeks throughout 2021.

Wilton Park is the Secretariat for the COP26 Catalyst.

COP26 Catalyst for Climate Action Day

Tuesday 9 November

How to join:
In person at COP – The Capacity Building Hub – Zone D, 1st floor (map)
Livestream: via COP26 Platform, or YouTube

COP26 Catalyst – partner sessions:   
Time: 0900-1600
Programme: Full programme; Agenda

During the COP26 Catalyst Day, there will be thematic events focusing on capacity-building for:

  • Adaptation and Adaptation Communications (with sessions hosted by ICCCAD, NAP Global Network).
  • Access to Finance (hosted by GermanWatch; and Adaptation Fund)
  • Carbon market participation (a joint session hosted by GGGI and Perspectives)
  • Transparency and Reporting (hosted by FAO and PATPA; and by #Datat4BetterClimateAction)

Presenting the COP26 Catalyst Action Recommendations

Tuesday 9 November
Time: 1615-1800
Programme: Plenary session

At the Plenary session all four of the COP26 Catalyst Action Groups will share their Action Recommendations on Adaptation Action, Access to Finance, Carbon Markets Participation, and Transparency. They will report on what they have heard throughout the UN Regional Climate Weeks and put forward recommendations for practical solutions to ensure the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and catalyse climate action more widely.

This session will be followed by a reception

Launch of the COP26 Catalyst Call to Action for transformational capacity building

Thursday 11 November

Venue: The UK Pavilion, Zone D (map)
Time: 1800-1930, followed by a reception
Programme: Full programme
Livestream: Watch online here

At this high-level session, the COP26 Catalyst Action Groups will present the final recommendations for practical solutions to capacity building, to ensure the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and catalyse climate action more widely.

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