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Conflict and Peacebuilding in Mozambique

This conference is a continuation in virtual format of an annual Wilton Park series on peacebuilding in Africa that started in 2015. Across this series of conferences, a persistent theme has concerned the need to move peacebuilding beyond state and elite-centred approaches to encompass the wider communities involved in conflict, including in particular youth and women’s networks.

The last in person conference in the series in May 2019 focused on ‘next generation African peacebuilding’ as a conceptual framework for examining how to build and deepen relationships between a wide range of existing and potential peacebuilding actors.

This series of now virtual dialogues seeks to apply the conceptual outcomes of the conference on next generation peacebuilding to the dynamics of several conflict environments, first Northern Nigeria last May and now Mozambique.

The specific objectives of this virtual dialogue are, in the context of conflict and instability in Mozambique, to:

  • Map existing and potential peacebuilding actors, to examine new and unexplored networks and relationships between these actors;
  • Reflect on identity and statehood, focusing on youth and the regional conflict ecosystem and explore how to break cycles of violence via sustainable, non-military means;
  • Re-examine peacebuilding narratives, the necessity of gendered approaches and focusing on youth agency;

Consider how national, regional, and international stakeholders can better support diversity and inclusion in sustainable peacebuilding processes.

In association with the African Peacebuilding Network of the Social Science Research Council, New York, and the African Leadership Centre. With support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Wilton Park reference number: WP1761V2

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