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British-German Alumni dialogues ‘Collaborating on lessons from the pandemic’

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As Britain and Germany seek to move on from the immediate crisis of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is important to identify the lessons of the pandemic and consider some of the longer-term challenges for both nations and opportunities for collaboration; this conversation will focus on health, public trust and inequality

Confirmed speakers

  • Health: Dr Stefan Etgeton, Bertelsmann Stiftung
  • Trust: Professor Gerry Stoker, University of Southampton


March 2022 will mark two years since Britain and Germany first imposed restrictions on citizens to mitigate against the spread and impact of COVID-19. Since then, there have been numerous new variants and a range of vaccines have been developed. There have also been significant social and economic impacts and unprecedented government interventions. While COVID-19 continues to affect hundreds of people in both Britain and Germany, narratives around COVID are changing as the pandemic moves to an endemic. As Britain and Germany seek to move on from the immediate crisis of the pandemic, it is important to identify lessons of the pandemic and consider some of the longer-term challenges for both nations and opportunities for collaboration; this conversation will focus on health, public trust and inequality

  • What has the pandemic highlighted about the resilience of the British and German health systems. What can each learn from the other to increase future resilience?
  • How has public trust and compliance changed since the start of the pandemic? Do governments need to increase public trust and compliance and if so how could they?
  • What existing inequalities have been highlighted by the covid pandemic? Recognising budgets are tight, what could both governments do to reduce these inequalities?


A highly interactive session, we will start with a short introduction by a panel of speakers who will focus on one theme related to ‘lessons from the pandemic’. This will be followed by a plenary session where participants can interact with panellists and raise comments. Next participants and panellists will be split into smaller breakout groups where they will each discuss a specific question. Finally, there will be short wrap-up followed by an opportunity for more informal networking. Do bring a drink along!

In partnership with the British Embassy in Berlin

Wilton Park reference number: WP3010

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