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Annex 2: Recommendations for KMGBF Target 23

September 2024 I WP3425



  • Gender disaggregated and gender relevant qualitative data collection should be a priority at all levels to support accountability.

Knowledge sharing and capacity building

  • Governments should communicate gender-related commitments at the national level to agencies and civil society
  • Governments should consider appointing gender and biodiversity focal points and train them to perform that role.
  • Governments should consider designating champions at the ministerial and leadership levels to promote action and generate political pressure between countries, particularly to ensure that COPs maintain a focus on gender issues, and NBSAPs are gender responsive
  • Establish knowledge sharing networks, where guidance, training and policy dialogues can be made available to all, particularly to focal points


  • Governments should allocate dedicated resources at the national level for gender-biodiversity focal points to support them in their role.
  • Consider the establishment of a dedicated fund under the CBD for the participation and training of gender experts and female delegates for international meetings
  • Consider strengthening the allocation of funds for gender related projects under the GBFF, GEF and other multilateral finance mechanisms, and also ensure that all projects under these mechanisms are gender responsive with gender outcomes.

Across these targets, and the wider framework, more works needs to be done, and urgently. Governments must work to mainstream biodiversity across all their departments and sectors and break down the barriers and bureaucracy operating between them. Governments must also commit to working across the siloes of climate change, biodiversity and desertification in an inclusive and gender-responsive way. Guidance needs to become more visible across available networks under the CBD process and knowledge sharing between actors should be strengthened, particularly relating to National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). 


Annex 1: Recommendations for KMGBF Target 22


Annex 3: Recommendations on financing inclusive biodiversity action

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