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Annex 1: Recommendations for KMGBF Target 22

September 2024 I WP3425



  • At the international level, the GBF Monitoring Framework should:
    • Identify and support the completion of global data sets that are nearly able to support monitoring components of this Target, even if not fully developed (e.g. land tenure and land tenure change, and attacks on EHRDs)
    • Encourage or require national level targets to be set where global data sets are not available or inadequate
  • At the national level, Governments should develop nationally specific indicators to measure those components on Target 22 for which there are no global data sets available as well as contributing fully to the data sets that are
  • At the local levels, non-State reporting of human rights outcomes, including on representation, participation, access to justice, access to information, rights, attacks on environmental human rights defenders, should be supported and enabled

Article 8(j) and Related Provisions under the CBD

  • State Parties and observers should support the recommendation of Indigenous Peoples, expressed through the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, that the Ad Hoc Working Group on Article 8(j) and related provisions be made into a permanent Subsidiary Body with a strong Programme of Work that would support and underpin progress on key elements of Target 22.

Knowledge sharing

  • Governments, international agencies with critical expertise, civil society and other actors should support the emergence of communities of practice to advance implementation, share accessible existing guidance (including through translation), and practical exchange to share knowledge and experiences at the local level. This includes prioritising community-to-community exchange as a key learning opportunity.  

Galvanising action for transformative change


Annex 2: Recommendations for KMGBF Target 23

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