Wilton Park’s Programme Directors combine breadth of international relations experience with a capacity to identify and develop emerging themes in policy trends at their very earliest stages. Their backgrounds range from international institutions and the UK civil and diplomatic service to academia, journalism, NGOs, and the private sector.
Alison Hilliard
Alison specialises in ethics and the role of religion in conflict and peace building. Her events’ portfolio also focuses on conflict mediation, women, peace and security and climate action.
More about Alison

Mark Smith
Mark is Senior Programme Director for security and defence and focuses principally on non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament issues.
More about MarkRich Roberts
Rich’s programme is on security and resilience, specifically strategic stability, responsible space behaviours, climate security and finance for climate resilience, as well as defence and security futures. Rich also leads Wilton Park’s support to UK government bilateral engagements as well as 5-Eyes engagement.
More about Rich

James Corré
James leads work on climate, energy and the environment. James’ other interests include climate, security and migration; ecosystems, biodiversity and rewilding; and marine policy.
More about JamesAisling Conboy
Aisling convenes dialogues on the themes of trade, diplomacy and education.
More about Aisling

Samuel Godsland
Sam works on a range of issues across the foreign-policy spectrum, including China and the Indo-Pacific, Transitional Justice, and Counter-terrorism.
More about SamElizabeth Donnelly
Lizzy convenes policy dialogues on Africa’s partnerships, agency and international relations.
More about Lizzy

Ľubica Polláková
Ľubica convenes dialogues on human rights and organized crime. Her interests also include the South Caucasus, Central Asia, Turkey, Eastern Europe and Russia.
More about ĽubicaAssociate Programme Directors bring external expertise to enrich Wilton Park’s programmes and provide additional specialist knowledge. They are experts in a wide range of policy areas and use their knowledge and experience to help inform the design of events and to frame outcomes.

Robert Grant
Robert has a core focus on conflict, stabilisation, peace processes and peacebuilding. His portfolio also includes good governance, the rules-based international system and China’s role within it, Central/Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans.
More about RobertGeorge Middleton
George’s specialisms include internationalisation, international business development, project management and government relations.
More about George

Myles Wickstead
Myles has a long history of working in international development and diplomacy, with a particular focus on Africa.
More about MylesRob Black
Rob’s interests are focused on the nexus of cyber, intelligence, information operations and warfighting, the legality of cyber operations and the role of influence and deception in cyber
More about Rob

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