We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Polar regions: challenges and possibilities [WP845]
Wiston House
Key countries and regions, Climate change and the environment
Countering Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) proliferation [WP871]
Defence and security
Energy security in the European Union: the Baltic and Eastern dimension [WP870]
Baltic Beach Hotel, Jurmala
Climate change and the environment
Curbing money laundering: international challenges [WP869]
Global economy
Climate and energy security: towards a low carbon economy [WP866]
What future priorities for the United Nations? [WP850]
Human rights and faith, Key countries and regions
Europe in the world: 'reforming' foreign and security policy [WP864]
Defence and security, Key countries and regions
Wilton Park British German Forum 2007: creating a sustainable future: how? [WP863]
The European Union’s institutional future: prospects for the inter-governmental conference and beyond [WP862]
Natolin European Centre, Warsaw
Working with Libya today: international and economic relations – perspectives for change [WP857]
Global economy, Key countries and regions
Human trafficking: how best to stem the flow? [WP854]
Human rights and faith
Trans-border consequence management: responding to major acts of CBRN terrorism in Europe [WP855]