We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Wilton Park dialogues with Russia - a new prosperity: aspiration, innovation, participation [WP1086]
Wiston House
Global economy, Key countries and regions
Chemical weapons disarmament and the future of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) [WP1079]
Defence and security
e-Government: better services, better democracy? [WP1104]
Athens|British Embassy
Human rights and faith
Global conflict-future trends and challenges: towards 2030 [WP1073]
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes
7th British-German Environment Forum The crisis of growth: threat or opportunity for sustainable development? [WP1069]
Key countries and regions, Climate change and the environment
Financing continued scale-up in HIV treatment: more money for years gained and more years gained for the money [WP1091]
Climate change and the environment
Power after peace: the political economy of post-conflict statebuilding - what policy implications? [WP1080]
The art of the possible: conflict diplomacy in an era of new global challenges [WP1090]
Prospects for the EU financial perspective in an age of austerity [WP1089]
The UN framework for business and human rights [WP1074]
Human rights and faith, Key countries and regions
Nuclear non-proliferation: what now after the 2010 review? [WP1062]
Talking while fighting: conditions and modalities [WP1087]