We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
The economy of the Maghreb: a motor for regional prosperity and integration [WP1107]
Wiston House
Global economy, Key countries and regions
Assisted Voluntary Returns: working together for greater effectiveness [WP1193]
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes
Business and human rights: implementing the Guiding Principles one year on [WP1172]
Human rights and faith
The new era in HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention: science, implementation and finance [WP1170]
Jiva Hill Park Hotel, Crozet, France
Climate change and the environment
Deterrence, assurance and reductions: rebalancing the nuclear order [WP1175]
Defence and security
Verification in the 21st century – technological, political and institutional challenges and opportunities [WP1176]
Delivering a well-managed and effective UN: building international consensus [WP1184]
Human rights and faith, Key countries and regions
Impact and challenges for the Middle East and North Africa one year on from the Arab transitions [WP1166]
Key countries and regions
New challenges, new partners, a new UN development system? [WP1183]
Key countries and regions, Climate change and the environment
Improving diet and nutrition: challenges for global food, agricultural and land use policies [WP1157]
The Australia Group: challenges and future directions [WP1143]
Defence and security, Key countries and regions
A climate and resource security dialogue for the 21st century [WP1167]
Lancaster House