We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Peacebuilding in Africa: developing African approaches (WP1417)
Addis Ababa
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes
Genomics: using precision medicines to improve global health - how can governments respond? (WP1463)
Wiston House
Human rights and faith, Climate change and the environment
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: collaboration, consensus and communication (WP1443)
Global economy
Caribbean 2030 - new thinking for a new generation II: innovation and entrepreneurship (WP1462)
Global economy, Climate change and the environment
The future of borders: geopolitical trends and challenges to 2030 (WP1458)
Defence and security, Human rights and faith
The Arctic in 2045: a long-term vision (WP1453)
Key countries and regions
Challenges to European security: parliamentary perspectives and responses (WP1441)
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes, Defence and security
Unlocking the potential of the global community health workforce post-Ebola: what are the models and strategies that work? (WP1447)
Climate change and the environment
Protecting the rights of ethnic and religious minorities: addressing contemporary global challenges (WP1442)
Human rights and faith
Nuclear non-proliferation: planning for 2020 (WP1414)
Defence and security
Implementing the Convention against Torture (CAT): sharing best practice and experience in preventing torture in police custody in the Middle East and North Africa (WP1426)
A new era: redefining the response to HIV in Europe (WP1418)