We convene world-changing dialogues. Find out more about our previous events.
Diversification and resilience: a blue, digital and green future for small islands and micro-states (WP1494)
Global economy, Climate change and the environment
Russian language media: promoting plurality, balance and accessibility (WP1493)
Wiston House
Human rights and faith, Key countries and regions
Rethinking statebuilding, fragility and conflict (WP1499)
Conflict prevention, resolution and support for peace processes, Defence and security
Caribbean 2030 - new thinking for a new generation III: Caribbean sustainability - green growth and good governance (WP1513)
Knowledge for development: optimising development impact through investments in research (WP1514)
Climate change and the environment
Strengthening strategic trade controls in the Caribbean: preventing WMD proliferation and safeguarding borders (WP1505)
Defence and security
Protecting children from extreme violence: towards a more comprehensive approach to prevention and response (WP1495)
Defence and security, Climate change and the environment
Flooding in the Greater Horn of Africa: building effective early warning systems (WP1497)
Preparing for the BTWC Review Conference (WP1500)
Wilton Park at New Scientist Live: Science opens diplomatic doors (WP1509)
Defence and security, Global economy
The 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak: lessons for response to a deliberate event (WP1496)
Leading by example: implementing Anti-Corruption Summit commitments on transparency in public procurement (WP1502)
Global economy