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Women, Religion and Climate Change: Working together to move faster on climate change

SDG climate



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Programme Director
Alison Hilliard

Project Manager
Wendy Head


The immediate prospect of a catastrophic climate crisis calls for an urgent increase in the scale and impact of action to achieve carbon emissions targets and biodiversity goals. Women are leading climate action at national and local levels, and in both faith and secular contexts, women’s powerful influence and leadership is key to going further, faster on climate action. [1]

Acknowledging how siloed climate action is within and between the faith and secular ‘worlds’, this event will focus on the urgent priority of greater collaboration on climate action and particularly on scaling up women’s leadership by drawing women of faith and women leading in secular contexts into closer collaboration. [2]

This Wilton Park Dialogue recognises the significant role that women can play as agents of climate change and how providing opportunities for women to participate in decision making can contribute to the development and implementation of efficient and long-lasting climate resilient policies. To that end, it will provide a safe space for in-depth conversation among diverse climate activists from international institutions, indigenous communities, academia, civil society and the private sector to promote such collaboration in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

In particular, participants will identify and plan specific upcoming advocacy moments to amplify the voices of women on climate action and achiever greater visibility for women’s leadership. Specific actions and strategies will be selected and developed on themes ranging from climate justice, mitigation and adaptation, interfaith dialogue and climate financing with the aim of rapidly increasing the impact of women’s influence on climate action.

[1] Dimensions and examples of the gender-differentiated impacts of climate change, the role of women as agents of change and opportunities for women. Synthesis report by the secretariat UNFCCC. Secretariat 01 Jun 2022


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