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Women in peacebuilding (WP1191)

This conference is being run in association with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC) and UN Women

Thirteen years have passed since United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) was adopted on 31 October 2000, followed by a handful of subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security (WPS)1 In support of the UN Secretary-General’s (UNSG) 2010 seven-point action plan on Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding and the UNSC’s resolutions on WPS, the conference was convened to provide an expert forum to:

  • identify constraints and opportunities;
  • consider lessons learned and build on best practice;
  • discuss ways forward for effective implementation.

The roundtable, off-the-record meeting was attended by some 60 participants from international and regional bodies, including policymakers and practitioners; representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs); human rights advocates; academics; and military and other specialists with expertise in women’s participation in peacebuilding, mediation and conflict resolution. The conference was structured into sessions focusing on the seven different commitments that figure in the UNSG’s action plan.

Policy briefs published by the Norwegian Peacebuilding Resource Centre (NOREF)

Women, peace and security in post-conflict and peacebuilding contexts – Jacqui True

National implementation of the UN Security Council’s women, peace and security resolutions – Aisling Swaine

Sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict settings – Inger Skjelsbaek

Moving beyond the numbers: integrating women into peacekeeping operations – Olivera Simić

Women and peace processes, negotiations, and agreements: operational opportunities and challenges – Christine Bell

Advancing the UN’s women, peace and security agenda: political challenges and opportunities – Rob Jenkins

UNSCR 1325: the challenges of framing women’s rights as a security matter – Natalie Florea Hudson

Women, peace and security: new conceptual challenges and opportunities – Sophie Richter-Devroe and Nicola Pratt 


Women’s participation in prebuilding and conflict resolution: the challenges of turning policy into practice and advancing implementation of the UN’s 7-point action plan. What need to be done? – delivered by Frances Guy, Representative, UN Women, Baghdad on behalf of Michele Bachelet, Executive Director, UN Women, New York

Further information

Report of the UN Secretary-General on Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding, 7-Point Action Plan

SCR1325 and Women’s Participation [English]: Operational Guidelines for Conflict Resolution and Peace Process by Initiative on quiet diplomacy

SCR1325 and Women’s Participation [français]: Operational Guidelines for Conflict Resolution and Peace Process by Initiative on quiet diplomacy

The Honourable Mobina Jaffer, QC’s blog 

Previous Wilton Park conferences

Preventing sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations

Negotiating Justice: The Challenge of Justice and Accountability in Peace Negotiations 

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