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Wilton Park Series: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (WP1736)

In partnership with the EASL International Liver Foundation

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a rapidly growing global health challenge. Currently affecting an estimated 2 billion people, 25% of the global population, the scale of the issue is expected to grow in the coming decade, most significantly in areas where obesity rates are increasing rapidly. Comorbidities, such as obesity and NAFLD, increase the risk factor and severity for patients with the COVID-19 virus. 

The silent epidemic

WP1736V3 Programme
WP1736V3 Report

This event will bring together some 50 experts, thought leaders, practitioners, industry executives and high-level government officials from various disciplines and sectors to engage in solution-oriented dialogue with the view to initiating a coordinated and collaborative response to this challenge. This dialogue forms part of the wider series which aims to holistically address a broad range of issues related to the NAFLD agenda.

Finalising a call to action

WP1736V2 Programme
Call to actionThis Call to Action formed the basis of discussions during a series of Wilton Park dialogues on Care Pathways for NAFLD which took place on June 16 and September 30, 2020.

Consensus for Care Pathways for NAFLD/NASH (WP1736V1)

WP1736V1 Programme
WP1736 Report

This first dialogue focused on the design and implementation of pathways of care. At present, there is a clear unmet need related to care pathways for patients with NAFLD. In many healthcare setting no formal pathway exists, and where pathways are in place they are often not standardised according to best practices. This event brought together some 20-30 clinicians, researchers and patient advocates who have an interest in improving models of care for NAFLD patients.  

This event aimed to establish a broad consensus for evidence-based guidance for healthcare providers and policy-makers to establish optimal care pathways for effective care for these patients. This consensus was published and taken forward to subsequent meetings in this series in order to discuss how agreed pathways can be implemented. The evidence for this guidance is based on an ongoing systematic review of current models of care for NAFLD and NASH patients.

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