This dialogue is the third in our series with GBC Health on reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The event will bring together a broad group of stakeholders to refine and align around high-level targets and how these can be communicated to political leaders and decision makers, including through advocacy efforts ahead of the 2024 UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AMR.
The proposed objectives for this dialogue are:
- Chart the collective ambitions of stakeholders for the 2024 HLM Political Declaration and where these diverge.
- Facilitate a discussion with a broad set of stakeholders around targets for collective alignment focused around three AMR pillars: Innovation, Access and Stewardship.
- Identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for research and development to both inform target setting and implement actions to achieve targets.
- Explore and understand the enablers for on-going action including global governance, financing, coordination and accountability.
- Support efforts to strategize on how high-level targets can be translated into political asks and calls to action including messaging for policy makers.
The proposed outcomes of this dialogue are:
- A proposed set of 2-3 high-level technically sound targets for innovation, access and stewardship, around which there is broad alignment, including targets for research and development.
- Initial recommendations for how to address knowledge gaps for target setting.
- Draft political asks / calls to actions linked to the high-level targets which can be socialised with policy makers.
- Framework for a roadmap for collaborative and coordinated action, including initial activities for early 2024, to engage political actors in the lead up to UNGA and beyond.