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The Arms Trade Treaty: preparing for the first Conference of States Parties (WP1341)

The Arms Trade Treaty is only a few ratifications away from formal entry into force (EIF). The Treaty’s impact will be greatly enhanced if it can be effectively institutionalised, and accordingly Wilton Park, in partnership with the British FCO and the governments of Australia, Switzerland and the US, has convened a two-day dialogue to assess how this can be done.

The objective is to provide input to the debates to be held at the preparatory meetings, and to the first Conference of States Parties in Mexico.

Specific issues for discussion were:

  • establishing a clear location and role for the Secretariat, and also other practical issues such as reporting;
  • assistance to States Parties;
  • funding the Treaty;
  • rules of procedure;
  • how to prepare for a successful outcome at the first CSP

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