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Tax capacity building for tomorrow: digital and analogue approaches (WP1566)


Policymakers at national and international levels have become increasingly focused on strengthening tax systems as a key means by which to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and promote balanced economies. The IMF, World Bank and OECD have all identified the imperative of Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM), while the governments of developing and emerging economies are also seeking new opportunities, in collaboration with these organisations, to minimise incidences of evasion, avoidance, base erosion and profit sharing.

Although it is crucial for there to be a constant development and evaluation of policies focusing on transparency and justice in tax systems, greater attention must be paid towards the implementation of taxation policies to maximise DRM. This will require new and innovative approaches to address taxation issues in developing and emerging economies.

This event looked to build upon current initiatives and explore what measures can be taken by tax authorities, businesses, investors and civil society to build robust domestic resource bases in developing countries.

Additional information

Blockchain 101 for Governments (Jeffrey Owens, Director at the Global Tax Policy Center, Vienna University of Business and Economics)

What new technologies can do to help countries mobilise the revenue base (Professor Jeffrey Owens, Director, WU Global Tax Policy Center)

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