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Reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR): from aspiration to implementation

February 2025 I WP3471

Reinvigorating the response to antimicrobial resistance

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February 2025

Reference number



Associate Programme Director
Nancy Lee

Project Manager
Sue Wornell

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a global health security threat, affecting the health, lives, and livelihoods of people worldwide.

Over the past 18 months, Wilton Park and partners have convened stakeholders across the One Health spectrum in a series of dialogues to explore opportunities and challenges to reinvigorate the response to AMR. The Wilton Park series has provided space for a diverse group, including policy makers, the private sector, academia and civil society, to reflect on the current response to AMR, to identify what is needed from different sectoral actors and to contribute to fresh thinking on how to revive this in the years ahead. The series aims to complement and support other ongoing efforts, including those by the quadripartite, Global Leaders Group and others.

The first three dialogues in the series, held between April and December 2023, participants aligned around the need to focus on engaging parliamentarians and decision-makers to understand how AMR can be repositioned as a political priority, and the importance of presenting clear and compelling asks across both the public and private sector. The third dialogue informed the development of an outcomes document to support advocacy efforts throughout 2024.

The latest event in the series will follow an intense period of discussions and negotiation, including the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR in September 2024 as well as the AMR meetings in Berlin at the World Health Summit, the 4th AMR Ministerial meeting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and World Economic Forum. The dialogue will convene key stakeholders with a focus on what is needed to transition from commitments to actionable steps, addressing the health, social, and economic impacts of AMR.

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