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Preparing for success at the fifth review conference of the mine ban treaty

June 2024 I WP3381

Image for WP3381 Landmine treaty

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Programme Director
Mark Smith

Project Manager
Wendy Head

This invitation-only Wilton Park Retreat will create a safe space for the discussion of key mine action issues and challenges and come up with options and recommendations for the next five-year sector workplan that will be endorsed at November’s Review Conference. Focus will be on bringing top donors together with Review Conference host Cambodia, with other influential stakeholders invited for additional perspective and challenge.

The fifth RevCon of the Ottawa Convention is scheduled to take place in Cambodia from November 25-29  2024. Agreeing a new action plan for the period 2025-2029, building on the Oslo Action Plan 2020-2024, will be a key conference outcome. The sector is facing a number of complex challenges as it strives towards the ultimate Convention goal of a mine-free world.

By bringing together a selected group of top donors and other influential stakeholders, this dialogue will provide a safe space for the Cambodian authorities to explore options for meeting some of the key challenges facing the sector, and to develop commitments for a new action plan that the sector can rally around to progress Convention aims over the next five years.

Meeting outcomes will be captured in a report summarising the discussions, conclusions, policy recommendations and actions, which will be widely circulated to interested parties and posted on Wilton Park and other websites.

The Cambodian national authorities and ISU will be able to draw on the Report of proceedings when developing the RevCon agenda.


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