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Pace of diplomacy (WP1886V1)


In a world of heightened complexity, pace and scrutiny, how can institutions ensure that their decision-making processes are fit for purpose? What is recognised best practice on building a strong strategy-making organisational culture? How to ensure it is both strategic and responsive to fast-moving global events?

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) was created in September 2020, merging two key government departments. As this new department develops, senior civil servants and policy makers are examining innovative approaches to meeting the pace of 21st century diplomacy whilst delivering strategic objectives.

Every organisation is facing similar challenges, from strengthening decision-making with data and technology to building a lasting culture of strategy delivery. The FCDO is keen to draw on best practice from a range of different perspectives and institutional contexts.

This invitation only meeting will bring together up to 20 figures drawn from business, academia, civil society and other institutions which have undergone strategic shifts in a fast-paced environment.

The meeting aims to:

  • explore ways in which to manage complexity and pace in decision making
  • establish what the innovators are doing in this space

This meeting, which will be conducted in English, will be held under the ‘Wilton Park Protocol’, whereby all discussion will be off the record.

In association with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

To view the full series, click here

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