On the 16th anniversary of the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol, the British Embassy Rome and Italian Environment Ministry are hosting this Wilton Park dialogue on nature and adaptation & resilience. Nature is about our Earth; adaptation & resilience concern our Future: “One Earth One Future”.
We currently consume 1.7 times the supply of natural resources that the earth can regenerate every year. This is unsustainable. Meanwhile extreme weather events are intensifying. COVID-19 has further weakened global resilience, demonstrating what can happen when our relationship with nature breaks down. As the world begins to recover from the pandemic, it is critical to understand how protecting both citizens and the natural world can go hand-in-hand.
The event will increase awareness of the complex ways in which nature, adaptation and building resilience to climate change are inextricably linked. Countries and organisations will be encouraged to share information on the specific challenges they are facing, as well as best practice and lessons learned. The event will raise the profile of the Economics of Biodiversity review, encouraging governments, businesses and financial institutions worldwide to put a price on the value of natural resources. Lastly, the event will profile high-level initiatives designed to make nature and adaptation & resilience key themes of 2021 multilateral forums.
The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – English
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – Arabic
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – Spanish
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – French
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – Italian
- The Dasgupta Review – Headline messages – Chinese
A recording of the event is available upon request. Please contact the Project Manager, details below.