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Managing, preventing and countering violent extremism across the Commonwealth (WP1701)


This event will build on the initial meeting between the Commonwealth’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Cadre of Experts and the Commonwealth Secretariat’s CVE unit. The unit was set up by the Commonwealth Heads of Government to strengthen member countries’ ability to prevent and counter violent extremism and this meeting aims to share experiences of responding to violent extremism among key practitioners, while developing a greater understanding of CVE challenges across the Commonwealth. Members of the Cadre will attend, as well as selected representatives from Commonwealth member countries.

The CVE Cadre of Experts was established in 2018 to support the Commonwealth Secretariat’s objective of providing impactful and sustainable support to Commonwealth countries faced with an existing or developing threat of violent extremism. The role of the Cadre is to foster collaboration and exchange between P/CVE researchers from across the Commonwealth, to contribute to cross-regional learning and to encourage member countries to draw on research and expertise to ensure that their practices are evidence-informed.

This meeting provides a critical space where members of the Cadre, key practitioners and the wider Commonwealth community can share experiences, research and best practices. It also affords members of the Cadre an important opportunity to share in depth knowledge on their particular area of expertise in relation to CVE.

This event has the following objectives:

  • To allow participants the space to network with key stakeholders working on CVE in similar circumstances across the Commonwealth
  • To develop a greater insight into CVE challenges and the current techniques used to overcome such challenges across the Commonwealth
  • To provide an opportunity for representatives to appropriate good or promising practices into their own programmes based on the experience of others
  • To further develop and broaden the dialogue and cooperation between government agencies responsible for CVE and key civil society stakeholders in the field.

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