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Making tertiary education #safetolearn (WP1696)

Young people in emerging economies often face unacceptable threats of bullying, violence, sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in higher education (HE) and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). The problem is widely known, yet under-researched and under-discussed.

This event is part of the Wilton Park Dialogues on youth – Powering the Future. This series focuses on young people, creating a positive and action-oriented debate with emphasis on youth ambitions and opportunities in relation to employment, education, security and peace.

This conference seeks to:

  • Ensure that the conversation on this narrative is inclusive and not driven by developed countries.
  • Raise the profile of risks with stakeholders throughout skills and higher education sector and to share best practice youth-appropriate safeguarding interventions.
  • Outline what needs to change – from social norms, behaviours, institutional policies and procedures to education policies and legislation – and how that might be advanced.
  • Map out effective safeguards – what works, what doesn’t, and share case studies of change.
  • Explore effective accountability mechanisms.
  • Create a network of engaged organisations to advocate for, and champion change.
  • Develop a Code of Practice, led by the young people present.

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