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Japan: increasing its global role? [WP1063]


This conference discussed the following:

  • How are Japan’s international priorities developing after a year under the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) government?
  • Does Japan want to engage or contain China?
  • Does it want to cling to or break from the US?
  • Does it want to open up its economy to foreign investment and its society to immigration?
  • How does Japan see its role and responsibilities in the international community?
  • How can Japan best contribute to shared challenges such as global economic security, climate change, peacekeeping, development, and reform of international institutions?
  • Where can Western democracies and regional actors gain value in working more closely with Japan?

Further information

International and Japanese Panellists Join British and Japanese Ambassadors

Foreign Secretary’s posting on his recent visit to Asia.

William Horsley’s article on Japan’s regional role which flowed from his participation in our Japan conference (quotes used with the individuals’ permission)

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