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Internally Displaced Persons: towards more effective international protection and durable solutions (WP1705)


Ten years on from the adoption of the Kampala Convention on Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Africa and in the context of calls for a UN High Level Panel, this Wilton Park conference will explore ways in which to galvanise international engagement towards increased prevention, protection and durable solutions for IDPs.

The conference is being developed in support of ongoing activities and initiatives across the international community, including the African Union’s 2019 Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced People, the GP20 Plan of Action and Agenda 2030.


Through frank and off-the-record discussion under the Wilton Park protocol, the roundtable will explore prevention, protection and durable solutions for internally displaced persons. Drawing on examples of existing good practice from a range of countries and regions, it aims to:

  • consider ways in which to enhance national, regional and international policy and legal frameworks, taking account of IDP needs
  • develop and strengthen collaborative approaches towards increased resourcing and buy-in across a range of actors
  • highlight the particular protection needs of the most vulnerable individuals, including women and children
  • explore the potential for increased coherence of international humanitarian and development assistance with regard to affected individuals and regions
  • generate recommendations for future joint working across a range of stakeholders

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