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Increasing the effectiveness of multi-stakeholder initiatives through active collaboration (WP1314)


The meeting was jointly organised by four organisations with longstanding experiences in facilitating and MSIs and convening action-oriented conferences – Wilton Park, the World Bank, the Transparency and Accountability Initiative and Reos Partners.

This meeting brought together some of the leading global MSI practitioners that work in this complex environment to learn from each other across initiatives and to begin to consolidate a network of practitioners who can continue to support each other.

Over the past decade there has been a proliferation of multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) that bring together diverse actors from the public, private and civil society sectors to solve pressing governance challenges, such as enhancing transparency and improving accountability for better development outcomes.

This meeting aimed to make sense of the growing numbers of governance MSIs and to become clearer about what has worked and what hasn’t in MSIs. Multi-stakeholder efforts require good design, skilled facilitation, strong commitments and active participation from stakeholders and evolving governance and funding models. This is especially true for multi-stakeholder groups that work in complex sectors, such as extractive industries, infrastructure or agriculture, or in difficult contexts, such as conflicted-affected states or resource-rich countries.

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