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Exploring pathways to transformational climate action

Demonstrators-fight-climate-change (1)

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The climate crisis and its impact is a defining issue of our time. It continues to threaten societies globally and its economic, social, and environmental impacts are a challenge for us all. Without immediate drastic action adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costly, and the world will struggle to get back on track with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Major changes will be necessary in our economies and societies and need to be effectuated in record time. In order to succeed, they will need to be systemic and comprehensive and include perspectives such as climate justice, just transition, and the full range of Sustainable Development Goals.

This third dialogue in the series will continue to look at concrete cases, evaluated and researched, on how transformational climate action can take place. We will bring together, virtually, participants from the often disconnected worlds of policy action, research and evaluation. By discussing the existing evidence, we will identify ways to break down the many practical, political and structural barriers to lead to improved collaboration and aligned networks across these sectors.

In partnership with The International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS), Climate Investment Funds, Global Environment Facility, Green Climate Fund, University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies, United Nations Development Programme Independent Evaluation Office, International Evaluation Academy, International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Wilton Park reference number: WP3059

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