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Disability Rights: advancing the agenda

May 2024 I WP3332

Show Abilities Meeting- Disability Rights event

Reference number



Programme Director
Julia Purcell

Project Manager
Wendy Head

In the lead up to the 20th anniversary of the 2006 adoption of the  Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities  (CRPD), as well as the five year review of the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS), in 2024, this Retreat is timed to precede the 2025 Global Disability Summit.

Since the adoption of the CRPD, the UN has taken great strides towards the inclusion of a disability perspective in its work in multiple areas, ranging from awareness raising, to more accessible and inclusive work environments. Aside from the CRPD and UNDIS, the UN has other mechanisms to promote disability rights. These mechanisms have undoubtedly fostered change, including the adoption of specific, tailored disability strategies in some UN specialised agencies.

However, the promotion of a disability rights perspective system-wide poses some challenges, due to the specific nature and mandates of the specialised agencies, as well as system-wide coordination. Alongside these considerations, the Retreat aims to provide an overview of progress made; explore persistent challenges; identify opportunities for action, including for the improvement of synergies and coordination within the UN System; and put forward recommendations and concrete proposals to enhance efforts in support of the rights of persons with disabilities at the local, national and international levels. The Retreat also seeks to highlight that progress in the UN System is critical and that the practical implementation of its inclusive policies is essential to improve the daily lives of persons with disabilities.

On the basis of this analysis and taking into account the developments since the adoption of the CRPD, the Retreat will also be a forum to discuss ways forward for States to improve the inclusion of persons with disabilities, based on a human rights approach.

Event image shows young people with disabilities from Show Abilities Uganda. Show Abilities Uganda centers the self-advocacy and solutions of Ugandan youth with disabilities through leadership and advocacy training and youth-led storytelling.

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