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Demographic ageing: policy implications and strategies (WP1239)


This UK-Germany dialogue is run in partnership between Wilton Park and the Bertelsmann Foundation, with support from the British Embassy in Berlin and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

This conference brought together demographic ageing advocates, policymakers, and researchers from Germany and the United Kingdom (UK), including representatives from government ministries, civil society, the voluntary sector, the financial sector, and academia.

The aim of the conference was to assess the current and expected impacts of demographic ageing in Germany and the UK on social security systems, and create comparative and in-depth discussion on the challenges to and solutions for pensions and insurance markets, and health care and long-term care (LTC) sectors.


Further information

Conference on British-German Environment Forum: energy policy for the 2050s

Conference on Economic recovery and Europe 2020: towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

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