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Climate transition plans as an emerging international regulatory norm


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Programme Director
James Corré

Project Manager
Wendy Head


This dialogue seeks to create a space to share perspectives on climate transition plans, to identify risks and barriers to interoperability for transition plans that satisfy a variety of use cases, and to create space for peer-to-peer dialogue which can mitigate and overcome these risks and barriers.

Countries around the world are developing approaches to finance the climate transition and to manage associated risks. Preparation and disclosure of private sector transition plans are under discussion by finance ministries and by financial and prudential regulators in multiple countries and forums.

In 2023 there is a pivotal moment of opportunity to rapidly build overall convergence and interoperability, to meet the needs of a variety of public and private users of transition plans through a shared understanding of best practice. This meeting, in association with the Transition Plan Taskforce Secretariat, will bring together key decision-makers from around the world in a confidential setting to discuss next steps for private sector climate transition plans.

This event is by invite only.

In association with the Transition Plan Taskforce

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