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Climate and Development Ministerial (C&DM) Technical Experts: Programmatic, accessible and scaled adaptation finance for LDCs and SIDS

June 2024 I WP3452

WP3452 Event image_2023 CDM Family Photo – web size



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Programme Director
Neil Briscoe

Project Manager
Andrea Fallon

The Climate and Development Ministerial (C&DM) process was initiated in 2021 by the UK as COP26 President Delegate to provide a forum in which to unite and support climate and development ministers to find solutions to address the priorities of climate-vulnerable countries.

Technical and then political C&DM discussions throughout 2023 led to the launch of a ‘Coalition of Ambition on Adaptation Finance’ at COP28 which includes a vision, three goals and proposed priority actions. The process was supported by climate finance experts, coordinated by IIED and E3G, and funded by philanthropies. 13 countries and institutes have endorsed the vision and committed to work together as a coalition to drive forward progress and report back at the 2024 Climate and Development Ministerial: Denmark, Italy, Ireland, Malawi, Nepal, the Netherlands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Somalia, Tuvalu, United Kingdom, Vanuatu and the Adaptation Fund.

This event will bring together key policy makers and technical experts from a range of donor governments, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and financial institutions to implement the vision, goals and priority actions agreed through the Climate and Development Ministerial (C&DM) process and contained within the Coalition of Ambition on Adaptation Finance. A residential meeting at Wilton Park will provide the space, time, focus and network to review progress and further advance the three workstreams ahead of the next ministerial later this year.

Specific objectives of this workshop are to:

  • Identify best practice in developing programmatic approaches to adaptation finance, and agree practical proposals for how countries can support and can integrate long term adaptation approaches across sectors and with communities;
  • Create space for constructive dialogue between funds, LDCs, SIDS and donor governments on climate finance reforms, including those related to accreditation processes and access timescales, and agree clear recommendations and actions;
  • Bring together key constituencies working on private sector finance for adaptation to aid the development of a common understanding of the challenges and opportunities of scaling adaptation finance from the private sector, and agree practical steps for moving this forward.

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