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Clean, reliable, affordable energy for all: partnering for the energy transition (WP1750)


Clean, reliable, affordable energy is key to unlocking better, more prosperous lives globally. Each country’s energy systems may be different, but the potential for them to deliver strong positive economic and social benefits is universal. Furthermore, many of the technical and policy solutions to deliver a positive energy transformation can be shared, exported and applied around the world.

Energy policies and investments are required that meet energy demand whilst also helping ensure that it is reliable, affordable and clean. The rapidly falling price of renewable energy technologies presents an opportunity to make progress on all these fronts, while confronting utilities and governments with the new challenge of raising significant volumes of finance and integrating an increasing proportion of intermittent power sources into their energy systems.

This Wilton Park event, with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Prosperity Fund, will explore ways to maintain reliable and affordable energy supplies through the transition to low carbon energy. There will be a strong geographic focus on Indonesia bringing in perspectives from other countries in the SE Asia region and Brazil. Discussion will focus on some of the challenges and opportunities under the following three themes:

  • Economics of the energy transition: delivering clean and affordable energy
  • New perspectives on energy security: ensuring clean energy is reliable
  • Social dimensions of the transition: a prosperous and just energy transition

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