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Building the enabling environment for Ukraine’s economic growth: the role of its reform agenda


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Associate Programme Director
Robert Grant

Project Manager
Gemma Funnell

Ensuring Ukraine emerges from the war with a modernised, reformed, and inclusive economy resilient to Russian threats is as important as tanks on the front line. Winning the peace is a long-term project and cannot wait until the end of conflict. Reform is therefore essential to Ukraine’s successful recovery and reconstruction: it is primarily through tangible reform that the country will secure the investment required to rebuild, as well as improving its prospects of EU and NATO accession. It is critical for its long-term economic growth and resilience.

This event is designed to support the delivery of Ukraine’s economic growth and reform agenda, which is developing at pace. It is convening stakeholders from the Government of Ukraine along with its G7, EU and other key international partners, international financial institutions, the private sector, civil society and think tank experts in order to provide a closed forum for consensus building and contribute to identifying a prioritised, sequenced, and coordinated approach to support Ukraine in progressing key reforms.

In association with the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Multi-Agency Donor Coordination Platform (MDCP) for Ukraine.

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