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British-German Alumni: Time for a reset?


At the start of 2021 the world is facing multiple, simultaneous challenges, causing societies to take drastic measures to try to prevent further damage to economies, public health and ways of life, all against the backdrop of significant political shifts.

For the UK and Germany there have been considerable impacts as a result of the global pandemic – economies have been hit, considerable number of lives have been lost, and societies have changed. Both countries have adopted varying health and economic approaches, with differing outcomes, the full impact of which may only be visible in years to come.

Simultaneously, now that the UK has left the EU and with the Trade and Cooperation agreement in place, both countries will now look at one another differently through a post-Brexit lens.

The start of 2021 also presents an opportunity for both countries to reconfigure relations with the new US administration, lead in the multilateral arena with their consecutive G7 presidencies, whilst also continuing to lead the global effort to tackle climate change. 

Questions to be considered include:

  • Where do we go from here?
  • What trajectory will national and international recovery post-pandemic look like?
  • How will the new UK-Germany relationship work in this post-Brexit era?
  • How will the UK and Germany react to the changing international political landscape in the coming year? What opportunities are there to collaborate as they preside over the G7 consecutively and as the UK hosts the COP26 Summit?

Panellists include Jill Gallard, British Ambassador to Germany, and Tom Cargill, Chief Executive Officer, British Expertise International.



Summary notes

WP1789V1 Summary discussion
WP1789V2 Summary discussion
WP1789V3 Summary discussion

Wilton Park reference number: WP1789V4

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